
The new gold standard to increase Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) – Glutathione / Superoxide dismutase to fight free oxygen radicals caused by topical and systemic inflammations.

Mastering the master Anti oxidant

Glutathione; It’s one of the most important molecules in the body because it protects cells from the damaging effects of toxins and oxidative stress.

Glutathione is a highly absorbable tripeptide, that can help rrrrr the body’s reserves, that may be depleted through …… pharmaceutical drugs and even the natural aging process.

Mito-oxy, the ultra pure choice, provides nutritienal support to help lighten the body’s toxie lood. Mity-oxy has shown to significantly increase NK (natural killer) cell activity when taken transdermal.

Support Metabolic detoxification

Annually more than 4 million pounds of toxic chemicals are released into the environment which can accumulate in the body and impact overall health by causing topical and/or systemic inflammations, overloading the liver in its detoxification process. Under healthy conditions the liver converts fat soluble toxins to water soluble compounds. This detoxification process is carried out in two stages known as Phase I and Phase II reactions. Once the liver has neutralized the toxins (Phase I), and has prepared them for elimination (Phase II), they are delivered to the bile for release in fecal matters, or released by sweat or urine. Optimal intracellular and extracellular homeostasis for healthy immunity and increasing the necessary optimal energy level!


am a 67-year old woman. Two years ago I fell in a bad way, and broke my left upper arm. X-rays showed what was called a spiral fracture, and that my arm was partially dislocated. During an operation the surgeons put in metal fixation plates which was deemed necessary in order to give my upper arm a remote chance to knit together again. This has not been successful, and has caused chronic dystrophy, accompanied by extreme pain and an enormous loss of function of my entire left arm. I have tried every medical and paramedical discipline available, with no results, until I consulted a functional neurologist who, apart from regular treatments, advised me the use of Mito-Oxy ointment.

I apply a ¼ teaspoon under my left armpit and on the scar tissue 3 times a day. This has become a miracle cure for me, as the pain has mostly gone. When a relapse occurs, applying Mito-Oxy is enough to suppress the pain, and to maintain the improved functioning of my upper arm. I have gone from hell to heaven with this miraculous ointment Mito-Oxy.

— W.S., Athens GA
12 years ago I underwent surgery on my left knee due to its instability, during which the orthopedic surgeon applied complete arthrodesis. Unfortunately these pins did not bring the expected stability to my knee, and due to the fact that the medics did not deem further treatment necessary, this eventually caused a CRPS type II (Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome).

At the advice of the rheumatologist and traumatologist my leg was eventually amputated up to my mid upper leg, with the idea of, by means of a prosthesis, being able to rehabilitate. The past 10 years, before the amputation, I spent lying in bed due to the hellish pains. Since the amputation the pain has definitely diminished. At the advice of my functional neurologist I have begun using Mito-Oxy to fight the pain around the stump. Within a short period of time the pain had diminished to the extent where I was able to start rehabilitation to learn to walk again. I apply this product 3 times a day, a ¼ teaspoon in my groin and around the stump. I am very grateful to Blyss Pharma for this great product.

— A.B., Roswell GA

Paying a preventive visit to my doctor’s office for my annual checkup, he noticed the beginning of a herpes zoster neuralgia at the intercostal level T9-T10. It gave me a itch and a painful sensation. My MD is a very open minded doctor in his therapy, and he advised me Mito-Oxy, applied 3-4 times a day, a ¼ teaspoon on the involved area, using a glove. Within 3 days the skin redness and irritation were totally gone. I was really amazed, as 4 years prior I had a similar neuralgia on my right frontal temporal skull area. My MD told me that the results on different indications on different patients were remarkable. I was flabbergasted.

— R.M., Gainesville FL

I am a 62 year old man suffering from benign prostate enlargement with consequences of abnormal urination pattern, meaning frequent urination with small volume. My colleague at work, same age, with the same problems, advised me to use Mito-Oxy, 2-3 times a day, ¼ teaspoon in the groin. Since I’ve started using it, my urination frequency has diminished, and the volume has increased. Even during the night my urination frequency has gone down from 6-8 times to zero, or once at most.

Thanks to my colleague at work and Blyss Pharma’s Mito-Oxy my bladder function is now normal.

— F.S., Tampa FL